Monday 21 October 2013

Day Report : October 19

Today was a glorious sailing day, and even though it was a bit cold we had a calm sea, managed to keep at nine to ten knots, had lovely sunshine, and the mood was generally jokey and light. I bathed in the glory of the sunset and watched the sea birds touch the water with their wing tips, skim the waves and adjust their angle to the wind as they glided close to the surface. Their trimming skills are an example for us to follow.

When I refer to our sailing it involves grinding on the coffee grinder to trim the spinnaker, calling the trim of the kite, helming and generally manning the points where things could go wrong, like if we accidentally jibe. We do a rotation of tasks of a half an hour each because each of these require optimum concentration and is physically quite demanding.

I am starting to feel more comfortable doing all of these sailing tasks, and don't fear making mistakes as much. I'm definitely building up more confidence and am really starting to enjoy my sailing.

The day was ended with an extra ordinary effort from the 'mothers' in the galley cooking a ham roast with potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnups, roast onions, peas, apple sauce - delicious!

Life on the boat is great!

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